Access Keys:

Coolcappa National School, Coolcappagh, Ardagh, Co. Limerick

Physical Activity

Our school provides twice daily playground running breaks for all classes. Classes have access to a large yard, a fully equipped playground and a football field. Pupils have access to sports equipment during breaks.

Our school trains pupils as playground leaders to encourage activity during break time.

We are currently developing an Active Walkway to promote physical activity and for cross curricular learning.

All classes complete the 4 week Active Break Everyday challenge each year in November and December.

All classes complete the Run Around Ireland /Europe challenge . This is a daily whole school initiative over a 4 week period in March and April.

All classes complete an extended classroom bases physical activity break on wet days, some of the activities include Just Dance , Go Noodle, Bizzy breaks among others.

Each class teacher and his/her class have agreed a set of actions to decrease sedentary time. These actions are posted on each classes' Active Class Poster.

All activities are planned to ensure they are accessible to all.

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14th Feb 2023
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31st Jan 2023
The entire school, (Juniors to 6th Class) have been taking part in gymnastics with...