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Coolcappa National School, Coolcappagh, Ardagh, Co. Limerick

Agreed Report of the Board Of Management July 10th 2024

2nd Sep 2024
  • July 10th 2024

    • The Board of Management commends the staff, pupils, parents and the whole school community on another successful year.
    • The Board wishes to thank the Parents Association for their generous donation towards the purchase of twenty chrome books for our school.
    • The Board has installed a light in the car park. We would like to note that we are making plans to resurface the car park and begin work on utilising the field across the road from our school.
    • The Board received a response letter from the Wind Farm Developer. This letter was discussed in detail. The response letter did not address the concerns raised by the Board of Management. The Board will respond in writing to the Developer.
    • The Board of Management would like to wish 6th class pupils well as they begin a new chapter in their lives.
    • We hope you all enjoy a restful summer.